Vaishnavi Viswanathan is a vagabond by heart and loves to explore life to the fullest. She loves to dabble in anything creative, play with dogs, spend time with family and friends, learn new things, watch movies and generally to laze around and have fun.
She is an entrepreneur and founder of 2 firms with 18+ years of experience as a Leadership Skills Facilitator, Expressive Art Therapy practitioner, Life Coach, and a Certified Forest Therapy practitioner. She has conducted over 2000+ Leadership training programs in organisations like L & T Infotech, Oracle, ICICI, Seimens etc and has over 300+ coaching hours. In her workshops and coaching she combines her knowledge and experience from Psychology, Philosophy, Art and Nature to provide a space for others to dive deep within, to discover their authentic self.
She founded ‘Nature Connections’ as a calling, with the purpose of connecting people to Earth’s intelligence and wisdom. She has been a pioneer in India in intuitively conducting Nature based coaching and Nature based Leadership sessions for Corporate leaders. Her style is to experientially engage and enable people to connect with nature at a Psychological and Spiritual level with little or no theories or models. This impacts their overall physical, emotional and mental well-being and provides a space to deeply connect with nature and with themselves. She has facilitated nature based sessions for over 200 people in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Mauritius and for corporates like IBM, Capgemini, FFG Mag etc. She was certified by the European Institute of Forest Therapy in Ireland and adopts their research based framework in conducting nature sessions. Being a telepathic animal and tree communicator, her work in this space has also been intuitively guided by trees and animals, along with known scientific research. She is an International speaker advocating the importance for organisations to engage with nature and expand their consciousness.
So what exactly do I do?
– Individual Life coaching for entrepreneurs and women
– Leadership skills workshops for corporate
– Nature connection sessions
Educational Background:
- BA in Psychology from Mithibai College, Mumbai
- Diploma in Human Resource Management from NMIMS Institute, Mumbai
- MBA in HR and Behavioural Sciences from NMIMS Institute, Mumbai
- Diploma in Training & Development from Indian Society of Training & Development (ISTD)
- Diploma in ‘Expressive Art Therapy’ from the Psychology Dept of WCC college, Chennai
- Currently pursing Practical Philosophy from New Acropolis, Bangalore.
- MBTI Accredited Practitioner (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Inventory) from Asian Psychologists Press India Pvt Ltd
- Certified coach in ‘Coaching for Transformation’ from Leadership that Works, US
- Certified in ‘Coaching for breakthrough performance’ by SMR, Malaysia
- Basic course in Integrated Clinical Hypnosis from California Hypnosis Institute of India
- Transactional Analysis Practitioner
- Certified in Pearson Talent Assessment’ Personality and Values test (Sosie) published by ECPA (Les Editions du Centre de Psychologic Appliquée)
Other Trainings & Certifications:
- Non Violent Communication (NVC) from L’aura, Bangalore
- First Degree in Reiki method of Natural Healing
- NLP Business Practitioner certified by Sue Knight, UK
- Basic Lab in Human Processes from Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science (ISABS)
- ‘Who am I’ – A personal transformation workshop by Kryon Source
- ‘Tao of Facilitation’ by Kiran Gulrajani, Hyderabad
- ‘Train the trainer’ by LLS, Mumbai
- ‘Theatre in Training’ by Trainer’s Forum, Mumbai
- ‘Effective Communication & Presentation skills’ by World Trade Institute’s MDP
- Completed Level 4 of Japanese-Language Proficiency test held by Japan Foundation and the Association of International Education, Japan
- Trans-generational Healing, Chennai
- ‘Divine Feminine’, ‘Diving Masculine’ (Mumbai), Sacred Union (Bangalore), Awakening the feminine field, Kolkata.
- ‘Playback theatre’ by Ben Rivers
- Conscious Women Leadership- The Heroine’s Journey by Nilima and Vijay Bhatt
Conducted sessions/lectures in:
Educational Institutions (Mumbai)
- NMIMS (Narsee Monji Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai)
- ISTD (Indian Society for Training & Development, Mumbai)
- KJ Somaiya (Engineering college, Mumbai)
- SPCE (Engineering college, Mumbai)
- SIES (Engineering college, Mumbai)
- ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants, Mumbai)
- Billabong International School (Mumbai)
- Vels Academy of Maritime Studies (Chennai)
- Bharti Airtel Limited (North East and Karnataka circles)
- Suzlon (Gujarat and Rajasthan)
- Pfizer (Mumbai
- Privi Ltd (Maharashtra)
- ICICI Bank (Mumbai)
- Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra circle)
- Lloyds TSB (Mumbai)
- Indian Oil (Maharashtra, TamilNadu)
- Wipro Technologies (Maharashtra)
- Reliance Infocomm (Maharashtra)
- Datamatics (Maharashtra)
- Development Credit Bank (Maharashtra)
- CNBC Tv 18 Network (Maharashtra)
- Mphasis (Maharashtra)
- L & T Infotech (Maharashtra)
- Blue Dart (Maharashtra)
- Syntel Ltd (Maharashtra)
- Zycus (Maharashtra)
- Adlabs Pvt Ltd ((Maharashtra,Madhya Pradesh)
- Central Bank Of India (Maharashtra)
- Bharati AXA (Mumbai)
- Sony (Maharashtra)
- iSoft (Karnataka, TamilNadu)
- Maersk training center
- Capgemini (TamilNadu)
- SKF (Maharashtra)
- Dystar (TamilNadu, Maharashtra)
- Indian Smelting & Refining Co Ltd (Maharashtra)
- Crisil (TamilNadu)
- SBI Life (Tamilnadu)
- Huntsman (Tamilnadu)
- Vetoquinol (Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai)
- Lupin Ltd (Aurangabad, Tarapur, Bhopal, Jammu, Ankleshwar, Indore)
- Manyavar (Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bhopal)
- John Deere (Pune)
- BPCL (Maharashtra)
- L & T Infotech (Maharashtra)
Behavioural Skills Module Proficiency:
- Team Leading (with MBTI)
- Teamwork (with MBTI)
- Communication skills (with MBTI)
- Personal Effectiveness/Personal Excellence
- Learning to Learn
- Influencing skills
- Conversational Skills
- Learning to Learn
- Introduction to Leadership program
- First-Time managers
- Presentation Skills
- Personal Leadership
- Customer Service
- Telephone Etiquette
- Train the Trainer (on Soft skills)
- Delegating Effectively
- Language Enhancement Proficiency
- Indian Cultural Sensitization
- Japanese Cultural Sensitization
- Assertive Communication skills
- Conflict resolution
- Time Management
- Business Communication skills
- Email Etiquette /Business Etiquette
- Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Teamwork
- Goal Setting
- Achievement Motivation Orientation
- Transition from Campus to Corporate
- Cross Cultural sensitization