Life coaching

Individual Life coaching for entrepreneurs and women is one of the most interesting aspect of my life..connecting one-on-one with individuals to unearth blocks to discover the magic within and seeing the transformation is one of the most joyous thing in life. It is like seeing a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.

You may want to explore this if You would :

  • Like someone to non judgemental to support you on your inner journey towards higher self-awareness, clarity, joyfulness and confidence.
  • Like someone to overcome any disempowering beliefs, limiting behaviors and fears in a nurturing way which can lead to a relaxed, calm and centered state of mind.
  • Like someone to support you to unleash the power hidden within you.

My method is mostly intuitive, working with tools of Psychological assessments and art based interventions. My coaching style is nurturing which has helped bring out the best in us with ease.